Su Voz Importa

¡Padres, su voz importa! La participación de los padres es importante, ahora más que nunca. Durante este taller interactivo, los participantes estarán capacitados para ver el valor de sus dones, experiencia y contribución en torno al compromiso familiar auténtico. Los participantes explorarán su definición personal de participación de los padres y aprenderán enfoques efectivos para ... Read more

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Transition Planning/Evaluation

Transition to adulthood planning can be confusing. Join us to hear from Dr. Williams as he explains the top ten mistakes to avoid during post-secondary transition planning. We will hear how to use vocational evaluations and involving students to empower families, schools and students to make the best possible decisions in the areas in post-secondary ... Read more

Yo, Mi disCapacidad y Destrezas de Autodefensa

Tu familia, tus maestros y personas de apoyo son excelentes recursos para aclarar dudas, preguntas o ayudarte a enfrentar retos. Sin embargo, en el mundo del empleo no siempre podemos contar con ellos. Por tanto, ¿quién mejor que tú mismo para hablar sobre tus habilidades, retos, derechos y responsabilidades? En este taller se hablará sobre ... Read more

Refilling My Bucket

Is your bucket full? Or full of holes? Everyday stress empties your bucket little by little, and parenting, advocating, and taking care of a child with a disability often increases the flow from your bucket faster than you can refill it. Allow yourself a few minutes to work toward having a bucket that is overflowing ... Read more

WAZE A La Adultez (En Español)

Un curso en línea PROPIO RITMO, enfocado en brindar información sobre la transición a los padres/cuidadores de estudiantes con discapacidades que están en transición de la escuela secundaria a la edad adulta. La información proporcionada en este curso es para ayudar a facilitar la planificación de la transición. Un certificado de finalización de 2 horas ... Read more

Capacity Building for IEP Teams 2021 – JUNE SESSION


Presented by PEATC in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) The IEP process can be daunting for everyone. School personnel report that they often find IEP meetings difficult and stressful. Parents report the same feelings. Everyone comes to the IEP table with thoughts of their personal responsibilities, backgrounds, perspectives, and individual concerns, and ... Read more

Refilling My Bucket

Is your bucket full? Or full of holes? Everyday stress empties your bucket little by little, and parenting, advocating, and taking care of a child with a disability often increases the flow from your bucket faster than you can refill it. Allow yourself a few minutes to work toward having a bucket that is overflowing ... Read more

Refilling My Bucket

Is your bucket full? Or full of holes? Everyday stress empties your bucket little by little, and parenting, advocating, and taking care of a child with a disability often increases the flow from your bucket faster than you can refill it. Allow yourself a few minutes to work toward having a bucket that is overflowing ... Read more

Instituto de Padres 2021 (en Español)

Una oportunidad emocionante para los padres nuevos en el mundo de la educación especial. Esto significa que su hijo ha estado involucrado en educación especial durante tres años o menos. El Instituto de Padres de PEATC es una gran oportunidad para que los padres de Virginia se reúnan, colaboren, crezcan y aprendan juntos. Este evento ... Read more

Refilling My Bucket

Is your bucket full? Or full of holes? Everyday stress empties your bucket little by little, and parenting, advocating, and taking care of a child with a disability often increases the flow from your bucket faster than you can refill it. Allow yourself a few minutes to work toward having a bucket that is overflowing ... Read more

¿Es su hijo objeto de Acoso Escolar?

Este taller ofrece estrategias de intervención para padres de niños con discapacidades que pueden ser objeto de acoso escolar. Los participantes aprenderán a identificar respuestas al acoso, hablar con su hijo sobre el acoso, obtener ayuda de profesionales y conocer las leyes de acoso por discapacidad.

Refilling My Bucket

Is your bucket full? Or full of holes? Everyday stress empties your bucket little by little, and parenting, advocating, and taking care of a child with a disability often increases the flow from your bucket faster than you can refill it. Allow yourself a few minutes to work toward having a bucket that is overflowing ... Read more